The Farming Equipment and Technology Fund (FETF) 2023: Paving the Way for a More Sustainable Agriculture

Farming Equipment and Technology Fund (FETF) 2023: A Glimpse into the Future of English Agriculture

With the reduction and eventual end to single farm payents, DEFRA are focussing grant support on modernisation and welfare across all farming sectors. If you are a poultry or pig farmer you will be pleasantly surprised.  There are a number of initiatives, one such is the Farming Equipment and Technology Fund (FETF).

What is the FETF 2023?

The Farming Equipment and Technology Fund provides grants to farmers, allowing them to access and invest in clearly identified equipment and technology. The fund, updated annually, demonstrates the continued support to “drive innovation, increase productivity, and embrace sustainable agricultural practices in the England”.

Should You be aware of the the FETF

Without a doubt every single farmer in England should register on the DEFRA website to receive updates. Grants are not just generous but sectors that dont know what a grant is will be well rewarded by the equipment available. My advice is not just to register to receive updates but register to contribute to calls for information on changes you would like. Some of the equipment they offer is not very well researched but they are getting better each year. Theres nearly £100m available and you cant ignore it. Its easy to apply and you will have at least 6 months to complete the purchase- you can avoid the purchase of any item if you must, although it isnt welcomed by the administrators.

Ventilation? Why do we support the FETF?

Improving the return on investments into your farm is good. You and I both know that healthier animals are more productive. Productive means more back for less in. The only reason you havent looked at dropping liners into old fan boxes on the roof or installing a PPtube set into an old lean-to is the up front cost. Thats not a factor now. DEFRA and the rural payments agency will support you with 40% of cost. (100% support of applications to date).


  1. Register with DEFRA on the FETF website.
  2. Get a rural payments agency number.
  3. Apply for equipment that will make your life better.
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